Working with people who are significantly overweight can sometimes be challenging - they ask for help, they talk the talk saying how much they want to lose weight and get healthier, you give them your best advice and support, but then it can seem like they're just not committed to walking the walk, which can leave you feeling frustrated, helpless, and scratching your head as to why they ask for your help but don't seem to make an effort to follow through on it.
Working with Sharon will help you to get a better understanding of why it isn't as simple as you might think, and help you to gain valuable insights, and ways in which you can help those people to get on board, stay on board, and make good progress towards their goals.
You will be familiar with the NHS tiered weight management programme, and how many referrals don't result in the weight loss that you and your patients had hoped for. You will be aware that weight management services for the more significantly overweight are being stripped back or put on hold in many regions; and you will have seen patients who do not want bariatric surgery being sent away and told that they've reached the end of the line, there's no more non-surgical help available for them. You will probably also seen that if a person suggests that their obesity is the result of disordered eating, and they fulfil the criteria for binge eating disorder (BED), that the help available within NHS eating disorders services for BED is fairly limited, and in some regions services are so stretched there is no provision at all. If you are left wondering how you can truly help these people, or how you can step up the help available at your practice and create new initiatives, we'd be delighted to help.
You know all about exercise and nutrition and are able to help your clients to optimise their efforts and reach their health goals, but you may have noticed that for some reason some of your more significantly overweight clients can't seem to get on board with what you need them to be doing, or they start well but it very quickly tails off. Or it may be that you feel that there are so many obese people that you could really help, but they just don't seem open to the idea of personal training, and you haven't been able to find a way to reach them. At Sharon Heaton Professional Services we can help you to understand more about the other factors at play when someone is more than a few stones overweight, and whether it's a particular client you need help with, or you want to devise a way to reach more significantly overweight clients, or you just want to broaden your knowledge and understanding - we can help!
Occasionally we are contacted by professionals who are working with families where childhood obesity is an issue. Usually referrals have been made and plans and treatments set up, but the families just aren't engaging with the provisions that have been made for them. In these cases it's not uncommon for the family or parent(s) to really want to engage and make changes; but the provision that has been set up for them has been set up without any real understanding of the types of things that lie behind such significant obesity, or the challenges involved, and as such aren't always appropriate or practical. This can be especially challenging when the interventions involve court conditions. By working with Sharon you will gain a greater understanding of why families might not engage appropriately, and get pointers and ideas to help improve the situation and allow families to begin engaging in a way where they feel supported in the intervention. This can be done on a case by case basis or we as a more generalised training package.
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